School Disco - c1972
From Tom Gaskell re - fuzzy photo “School Disco - c1972” (sorry about that, it
was Kodak Instamatic photo that had faded dreadfully) I am the person on stage wearing the skeleton and Rick Wakeman cloak, the chap behind the disco console, next to the red light, is Phil
Ross (who has worked for the BBC in London for many years), both of us were sixth formers who left in 1973. It was my home-designed, home-made disco gear and it seems to be working, which was quite
unusual, but, as you can see, Phil was doing all the work!
The other guy on stage in denim and hat is my cousin Ian, not a UGS pupil but lived just down Winstanley Road and was a very welcome Roadie for the disco.
As I recall it was all rather surreal, with bubble machines and perfume sprayers and luminous makeup and UV light and random things moving across the stage on hidden
wires (that was Ian’s job) and frequent silences as various electronic bits stopped working.
The disco gear temporarily become a remote studio for University Radio Essex and was still helping me to pay my mortgage many years later; it only went when I had a
second child and we ran out of space. I still have a few of the records!