Within the site as well as the history of the school you will find a large selection of other information relating to the school.
Photos from the early 1900's onwards covering all aspects of school life including school photos and sports.
School magazines and Documents relating to school matters.
Also school memories, teachers, reunions and news and emails from old pupils.
Urgent information regarding the Future of Mugs61 website
I started the Mugs61 website about 20 yrs ago for ex-pupils from the early sixties and because of it’s popularity extended it to include any ex-pupils who attended UpHolland Grammar school.
Message received 10/02/2024 from Helen Baldwin. -
I’m just passing on some sad news I’ve heard today. Vivienne Waite passed away last Friday. She had been in hospital since before Christmas, suffering
from cancer. She started at UGS in 1959, same year as I did, and was a good friend at school. There are some photos of her on Mugs61, she was on the school hockey team.
I haven’t been in close touch with her since school, but we corresponded from time to time.
19/8/22 -
Sad news received this week that Roberta Berry from the 1961 intake has sadly passed away. Our condolences to her family and friends.
Winstanley College have put up a plaque in honour of H.B. Ellis.
see more on Headmasters page - click here