Message received 4/11/2024 from Helen Baldwin

Some sad news.
I’ve just read on Facebook that Eric Halton passed away on 8th October. His wife passed away 4 days later. Eric attended Upholland Grammar School from 1959.

Message received 23/9/2024 from Tim Woods - 

Sad news received yesterday - Stuart Hitchen, a former Head Boy of UGS has passed away after more than 35years suffering with MS.

Message received 10/02/2024 from Helen Baldwin. -

 I’m just passing on some sad news I’ve heard today. Vivienne Waite passed away last Friday. She had been in hospital since before Christmas, suffering from cancer. She started at UGS in 1959, same year as I did, and was a good friend at school. There are some photos of her on Mugs61, she was on the school hockey team.
I haven’t been in close touch with her since school, but we corresponded from time to time.


Katharine Martindale <>(Thursday, October 19 23 03:36 am BST)

Has anyone any info - photos, magazines etc from the 1920's? Interested in finding information on my grandmother Brenda Allen who attended (born 1913)

Joan Harrison 

Wednesday, August 31 22 

Notification - Norman Arthur Lowe, a former pupil, died 11-August 2022. I have added this with the permission of his two sisters, Pat and Kathleen-also former U.G.S. pupils

19/8/22 -

Sad news received this week that Roberta Berry from the 1961 intake has sadly passed away. Our condolences to her family and friends.


Message received 17/6/22 from Jim Barton wonder if you could arrange for this sad news to be posted on the MUGS61 website

Sadly, I have to report that Clive Gibson died after a short illness on 14 June 2022. Clive was born in Billinge and was one of the 1954 intake. For a number of years he has lived in Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria

Jimmy Barton


5/4/22 -
Sad news received today from Ian Pilkington that Graeme Finch from the 1960 intake passed away on Saturday April 2nd after a short illness.

Message received 19/11/2020 from Valery Tomey

I am trying to locate pupils who remember my  brother ALAN  PARR. names
 I remember are Alan Gerrard, Charlie Dickinson and his wife Olwyn nee Ball.We lived on Lodge Rd Orrell when Alan attended UGS. Sadly my brother Alan died on Thursday 12th November, after suffering for some months in hospital.This was not Covid. If anyone wishes to contact me,Valerie nee Parr my number is 01270 381576, Sandbach, His wife Barbara  would be glad to know that I’ve been able to make contact,Alan supported Friends reunited. He was 82 when he died.I have posted a photo on the Mugs61 Messenger.
thank you if you can help.


I received the sad news yesterday that former UGS pupil Tim Iball has sadly passed away.
Tim was in the intake that started in 1962. My condolences to his family and friends.

3/6/2020 -  Very sad to hear the news that Harold Lea former woodwork teacher at UpHolland Grammar, who played in goal for Wigan Athletic during their non-league days, has died at the age of 88 after testing positive for Covid-19.

Message received 19/11/2020 from Valery Tomey

I am trying to locate pupils who remember my  brother ALAN  PARR. names
 I remember are Alan Gerrard, Charlie Dickinson and his wife Olwyn nee Ball.We lived on Lodge Rd Orrell when Alan attended UGS. Sadly my brother Alan died on Thursday 12th November, after suffering for some months in hospital.This was not Covid. If anyone wishes to contact me,Valerie nee Parr my number is 01270 381576, Sandbach, His wife Barbara  would be glad to know that I’ve been able to make contact,Alan supported Friends reunited. He was 82 when he died.I have posted a photo on the Mugs61 Messenger.
thank you if you can help.

 Received 1/10/2020 - Bill Kenyon looks back at his time at UpHolland Grammar -
I thought I'd look back to my time at UGS which is now such a long time ago. My time there started in Sept 1956 when along with a primary school friend we walked from the Moss through the reservoir path up to the school to begin a seven year journey. There were no preschool visits then just turn up on the first morning in your brand new uniform and still in short trousers for my first two years.
I must admit at the end of that first day feeling shattered from all there was to take in in a building that seemed so large, staffed by teachers who wore gowns and called you by your surname. Our head was Mr Maggs who though he lived close to where I did scared me. I remember one day being right on the front row in assembly when he fixed his gaze on me and demanded what was on the floor which turned out to be a sweet wrapper. I was told we did not have litter in this school and though I'd not dropped it I felt like I was the lowest of the low ! I remember the first games lesson how we all had to stand in a long line while we were viewed a bit like cattle at an auction to see if we looked like future rugby players. Being very skinny I don't suppose I ranked very high. Then we had showers a first for me. Also that first year we had music with Mr Bowman ,Bopper as he was known. For some reason it was a whole boys group and I don't think most were that interested in English folk songs but he had a good idea up his sleeve by saying if we did well in the lesson then at the end if someone brought in records he'd play a few. That would be the first time I heard Jerry lee Lewis or Little Richard. It was the prefects I was most wary of as they seemed already like adults and would punish you just for the sake of it it sometimes seemed. Certain teachers stay in your mind and little incidents. I recall Miss Penman once doing experiments with phosphorous and warning us how dangerous it was. However when she came to cut a piece into two, bits shot everywhere including it seemed down her blouse as she shouted out , "It touched me ! " I don't think we were that much concerned for her ! During the 3rd year was when I came to have Fred Green and some of his sayings still stay with me. For example to anyone taking ages to answer , " Before the sun sets in the West boy. " One day I mustn't have been listening and he said , "Do you understand Kenyon ? " " Yes Sir, " I replied. A bad move as he said , "What do you understand boy ? " Of course I couldn't answer so looks that could kill came from him. I was so scared of him that once when unable to do some homework I went to the dentist instead ! Fortunately next for maths came George Lythgoe who I knew as he ,like Mr Maggs lived near us. He was a great teacher with a sense of fun as well. One day during a quiet moment in class he suddenly whipped out his false teeth right in front of two very studious girls saying , " Neh wot dust think o them . " Finally the sixth form was reached and dances with other schools. At first we had to do ballroom type dances and I didn't have a clue so I got a book from Orrell library showing you where to put your feet. I thought I would be ok until one girl I was attempting to do the waltz with asked me if I could only go in straight lines. Thank goodness when the Twist came along followed by Merseybeat. I was ok then. My last year was the bad winter of '62 -' 63 when games lessons on the pitches were cancelled due to the big freeze so we were told to go out for cross country runs and not come back till home time. I remember running home to sit by the fire before returning at the correct time. We also at this time formed a Sixth Form General Studies Choir meeting up with Mr Bowman again and taking part in a concert. Then in July 1963 it was time to leave. I've thought since how back then I only really thought of the staff as teachers and not as the people they were with lives of their own outside and before UGS. Many had gone through the war years serving their country and helping to give us the freedom we sometimes take for granted. Thanks to all of them especially my A level teachers Mr Kilner, Mr Eastham, Mr Iball and Mr Jones and of course to Mr Ellis for who I have the greatest respect.

Email received 4/7/2020 from Neil Halliwell - 

Since I left school and moved away from the area I have not had much contact with any of my UGS contemporaries but would be delighted to hear from any of them should they wish to contact me. I was at UGS from1963 to 1970.I was so sad to learn of the passing of Brian Jones, Eddie Scholes, Ron Eastham and David Atherton. All wonderful teachers who I feel privileged to have been taught by along with many others.

Email received 18/02/2020 from Andrew Heaton

Message: Hi, I was at UGS for 3 months Aug-Nov 1973 before emigrating to
Australia, I'd love to hear from anyone that started at UGS in 1973

Email received 30/12/2019 from Eddie Rowley

Hi, thanks for adding me to the group. I'm hoping someone in the group can help me get in touch with my Mum's (Elizabeth Anne Hooton) childhood best friend (Carolynne Clitherow). They attended UGS c59/60 and left in 65, but sadly lost contact in the mid/late 70s. Any help much appreciated.

Email received 7/10/2020 from Peter McDonald

Message: My brother,Michael McDonald who attended UGS in the 1950s sadly
passed away on Friday 4th October after battling cancer. Some may
remember him as a keen athlete which he continued until fairly recently.
After graduating from LEE he taught in Middlesbrough before returning to
live in Shevington to take up a post at the then Wigan Tech. His
teaching career continued at Blackpool and the Fylde College. He passed
away with his family by his side in his own home in Arnside.

Email received 31/05/2019 from Steve Magrath

   Dear David,
I refer to my conversation with you today at Upholland Parish church at the funeral of Brian Jones who sadly passed away on the 20th April. He was one of my favourite teachers in the late sixties and took me through to 0 level German in 1968 . No mean feat for me. A story about Brian that shows what type of man he was took place in 1967. The previous year in 1966 my father had died . He knew about this when he started teaching me German and that my mother was bringing me up as a single parent. In 1967   I was outside the recently built pavilion at lunchtime having a knock about with a cricket bat and ball. I smashed a ball through one of the pavilion Windows , reported it to Stanley Preston and was told I , meaning my mother , would have to pay the cost of repair. Brian Jones heard about the incident and told me he would pay the cost as my mother could not afford to cover the cost. That was the man he was.
RIP Brian
Steve Magrath (Sammy) ( At UGS 1964 to 1971)
PS My other favourite teachers were the late David Atherton, the late Ron Eastham and the late Eddie Scholes who I didn't know had passed away until today. Does anyone know what happened to Eddie? As well as being a brilliant Latin teacher , he was our guide on the school camp at Grasmere in 1969.

Email received 8/5/2019 from Jojn Staveley -

Hi David
Its unlikely that you have but could you please check your database to
see if you have any contact details for Barry Gibbons?

Email received 07/12/2018 from Lesley Miller in Australia - I first attended Upholland Grammer in 1973.
I'm trying to make contact with old school friends that I've lost touch
with over the years.
Thought perhaps a school reunion may be a good starting point.
Could you possibly let me know if you have any plans for another one? I
would need some notice to get there. Ive enjoyed looking through the
web page. Brought back memories. Thanks for your time.

Any old schoolmates of Lesley who wish to contact him please contact the website.

Email receivedon 9/7/2018 from Andrea Hosker (nee Lowe). Anyone recocognise yourselves in the photo?

I taught at Upholland GrammarSchool (as Miss Lowe) half a century ago. The photo is of our wedding at which, to my delight, the pupils shown here turned up, having trailed all the way to Scarisbrick to attend. It's our Golden Wedding this month and I would love to know how those wonderful students are now- I so hope they've been as blessed as
I have been and had happy and fulfilling lives in the 50 years that have raced away since. Mike and I don't look much older than the pupils here and certainly Fuad seems to have more gravitas than I've ever managed ! I loved every minute of my time at Upholland, especially producing "The Proposal" and "Antigone" with such dazzling casts!
Jane Abbot ( now Jane Bibby) was our bridesmaid that day and has been a very special friend ever since, continuing my link with those unforgettable days. She's just enjoying the arrival of a 3rd grandchild, - we're juggling 9 grandchildren, shoe- horned into a very busy whirlpool of a life, despite our 75 years. My vision of retirement spent leafing through Proust in long, leisurely, sunlit hours was a naive dream ! ....
May I send very best wishes to all those I taught and all those who taught alongside me, and from whom I learnt much, in my brief idyll at Upholland, adding my thanks for the memories and my love, Andrea. ( Hosker.)

Email received 25/01/18 from Brian Molyneux

Message: anybody know the whereabouts of Eric Roughley left school in
1958 or Peter Higgins left about 1960

Sunday 14/1/2018


Early this morning I received the sad news that my friend Alan Swift had peacefully passed away in his sleep after a long illness. I'm sure that Alan with his cheery and friendly nature will be remembered by many ex-pupils.

In recent years we became good friends organising the 2014 reunion together, helping with the Jubilee celebrations at Winstanley College and representing Up Holland Grammer on the UGS Educational Foundation at  Winstanley College.

I shall miss him greatly.

 - David Robinson



Messge from Neil Swift, Alan's brother -

Dear all, On behalf of myself and my family can I say thank you for all the kind thoughts, texts and cards we have received this past few days. It is humbling to know how popular and well thought of my brother Alan was. The funeral is now confirmed to take place on Thursday 25th January, 1pm at St Aidens Church in Main Street Billinge followed by a celebration of Alan's life at Birchley St Mary's Club "Big room" Trent Road Billinge. I sincerely hope you can join us.

Regards Neil and Family x

Mel Chadwick - Vice Principal

Hi David - I'm very sorry to hear the sad news about Alan please do tell me what the funeral arrangements are. I would like very much to be there to represent Winstanley College as a thank you to Alan for all his warm hearted and jovial contributions to the life of Winstanley College. The UpHolland Grammar School Education Foundation will miss his contribution to the committee and I personally will miss his smiling face. It is a sad loss for all of us.

Comments from other ex-pupils remembering Alan can be seen below.

Jean Hindley

I would like to offer my condolences to family and friends on the sad demise of Alan Swift. He was our classmate at UGS and at the last reunion was still the enthusiastic, funny, happy person I remembered. R.I.P. Speedy and God Bless.

Jennifer Berry (Redshaw) 

So sad when i heard yesterday about Alan, we started Billinge school together and went onto the grammar school, we both attended Billinge Church were he will be sadly missed,

Heather Burnley  -  Dear David, Thank you for giving me this terribly sad news.  His passing will create a hole in many hearts, including my own.

Gillian Miles (Darbyshire) - Dear David, - I was so sorry to hear the sad news about Alan. I knew he had been ill for some time but kept hoping that things would improve for him. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your friend and pass on my condolences to his family.

Phil Taylor & Gareth Noon remember him playing football for the Holts Arms. RIP

Phil Holmes Sorry to see that Alan has gone he was a good bowler playing for the first team at what was the George & dragon in the 80s . So sorry to see all the old Billingers are going very sad god bless Alan Swift 

Susan Glover Very sorry to hear this I remember him well
Condolences to his family

Neil Appleton Really sorry to hear that. Great bloke

David Noon RIP Alan (speedy) top bloke !!!!!

Gillian Harrison Lovely man thinking of you all xx

Neil Cunliffe RIP Alan lovely man x

Margy Horton David so sorry to hear the news about Alan. I remember meeting him at the Diamond jubilee and the reunion a few years ago. Such a happy cheerful guy.

Linsey Pavšič  Sorry to hear this news. Often used to speak to Alan when he walked past our house, RIP Speedy

Ann Hilton So sorry, I went to primary school with him, as well as the grammar school, will miss him

Stuart Cadman Really sad news. Speedy was a lovely guy.

June Stapleton So so very sorry. Thinking of his family at this sad time xxx RIP Alan x

George Bate A very sad day. RIP

Geraldine McInnes RIP Alan x

Anne Holcroft So very sad. - Harry

John Foster Sad news indeed. RIP Alan

Margaret Cadman RIP Alan. Lovely gentle man.

Jenny Kenndy So sorry to hear the news

Mildred Hurst So sad.

Jan Graham so sorry, lovely man xx

Vic Brown RIP Speedy top man

Brian Heaton So sorry to hear this sad news today really nice person thinking of you and your family x Rip Alan

Paul Darbyshire Absolutely gutted a real gentleman and a great friend to my dad. RIP Alan

Laurence Pressman RIP alan thought's n prayers go out to his family x

Viv Turner Fleming So sad a lovely man xx

Tracey Barker RIP Speedy. Sad news x

Garry Wilkinson Sorry to hear about your Alan Neil he was a great bloke

Anne and Keith Molyneux So sorry to hear condolences to Neil and family xx  

Nick Ellis From us too ....?.

Harold Greenall R.I.P. Alan. Great guy

Amanda Hook A true gent a lovely man RIP Speedy xx

Debbie Jones Truly lovely kind hearted cheery Man. RIP Alan

Liz Attwood RIP a lovely man xx

Ian Beattie RIP blue

Jase Cunliffe RIP alan

Yvonne Gore - 

I recently received sad news that Yonne Gore has passed away. Yvonne was in the 1962 intake at UGS. We had been friends since primary school at Roby Mill.

-  D. Robinson   

Email received 09/01/18 from Gillian Miles

Thank you for posting the  sad news about Yvonne Gore

Please pass on my condolences to Yvonne's family - as you know we were both pupils at Roby Mill primary school and Up Holland grammar school. It seems like only yesterday that we were cycling around the village together and camping out overnight in the field behind her house - carefree days - hard to believe that it was over 50 years ago!
Gillian Miles (Darbyshire).

Email received 8/12/17 from Carolyn Davies

I was so sorry to hear about David Atherton passing away. I had the pleasure of him being my A Level Economics lecturer from 1984 - 1986 (as did my sister, Heather, two years later.) Mr Atherton was a brilliant teacher and that A level course was so interesting. I went on to study Economics as part of my Business Studies and German degree. We both still rave about Economics A level to any student we come across.
I went on to work at bæ systems as a buyer, living in Munich for ten years, and still enjoy working at the Warton site now.
About two years ago my husband and I went to look around Winstanley College Open evening. My son didn't come with us at the time as he wanted to go to Runshaw with his friends. He has since transferred to Winstanley for his Upper Sixth year, to my great delight!
After looking at the obligatory Maths, Physics and Computing Departments for my son, I was drawn to the Business Studies and Economics department and was in my element. I chatted away to the students and staff and mentioned Mr Atherton. To my immense surprise they told me that he still came into College some lunchtimes!
I passed them my email address and asked them to get in touch with Mr Atherton for me. To my absolute delight he wrote back to me and astonishingly he remembered me and that I had studied German too. Impressive! I think this is a good thing that he remembered me!! It was 1986 when I left! He also went to the Houses of Parliament with my sister and she has fond memories of him too. I managed to exchange a few emails with him and he told me about his illness.
David Atherton and Brian Jones (German A level at Winstanley) were the two best lecturers I ever had; the University ones did not come close. They both stood out for me as being able to inspire and teach so well, making their subjects fun and were mostly the reason I loved going to Winstanley!
Best wishes to David's family and all those who will miss him.

Email received 29/11/2017 from Adrian Killinger

 I have just seen a notice on Wigan announcements that Val Crawshaw (Simm)has died.She was in the 62 intake at UGS.

Gillian Miles (Darbyshire) - Sorry to hear the sad news about Val, my condolences to her family.

Recent posting on Face book by Phillip Pye -

Extremely saddened to hear of the recent passing of Michael Longton. The ‘mathnificent seven’ on the photo was our Double Maths A Level class pictured at around the time we sat our exams in 1977. They are Mick Longton, Andrew Fielding, Duncan Kennedy, Alison Dagnall, Steve Hodge, yours truly and Mick Howard, sadly also no longer with us. We were a tight knit group. For two years we’d spent 14 periods a week together in the tiny rooms (C1 & C2 – the windows were frosted glass as they were actually changing rooms for the school productions) behind the school hall.

David Robinson -

I received sad news  that Michael (Mick) Harvey who was in the 1961 intake has sadly passed away on the 10th April 2017. Mick was a popular lad at school and a member of the rugby team. Other ex-pupils might know him from the pet shop in Pemberton that he and his wife Christine ran for many years

Email received 14/4/17 from Brian Green in Australia -

what an amazing 30 mins I have
had,,,,,,,trawling through history of UGS......
A Billinge lad, I was there from 1947 to 1955......
Now in a bit of a rush, must go,,,,,,perhaps someone will give me a
Cheers 'Green' (My first name was never used)

Contact website if you wish to make contact with Brian

Message received 2 -12 - 16 from Jeremy James

Message: Hi! Stumbled on this site - memories eh? Not sure if this
site is stil active - there don't seem to be any recent messages? I
left UGS in 1969 for Edinburgh University and now live and work in
Brecon Beacons. My mum still lives in Billinge! I played rugby in the
1st team in that special year and did a lot of work on lighting etc for
school plays, operas over the years. Best wishes to all ex UGS
especially any who may remember me.

Anne Leather.


Message from Alan Swift.. 25th August 2015 -

It is with great sadness that I have to report that our dear friend Anne Leather passed away yesterday. She was a lovely lady with a tremendous personality and she will be missed by her family and her vast number of friends. I knew her for less than two years but she had a significant effect on my life and I can only thank her for all the help she gave me in those years, and I will truly miss her. I spoke to her only last week in a long telephone conversation and she was chirpy and bright to the end. Some of you have known her for most of your lives and I know that this will be very upsetting. I am sure  you have your own individual memories of this beautiful person and would like to pay your respects.


One of Anne's last wishes to me was that the her October reunion go ahead as normal as she had devoted much of her time in seeing old school friends meeting up and discussing happy times.

David Robinson will post any tributes sent to the site on the email/news page.


Email received 8/6/15 from Fuad Ta'eed

Hope things are going well with you!  I hope to be in Liverpool from 15 to 20 Sept 2015 and was wondering if there would be a chance to meet some of the 1966-69 Upholland classmates. I know it is a bit of a long shot but thought I would try my luck.

Email received 12/5/15 from Steve Clarke - Any friends who would like to see the bands performance at my 65th Birthday gig - a substitute for being there  - click on to the link below

Email received 23/3/15 from Phil Rickman. - Really sorry to hear about Reg. At the age of 11 I hated him on sight - never forgot that evil Dalek voice.
Five years later, trying to teach me history, he was a great bloke. Never lost his temper, treated us like equals.

Message from David Robinson -

Congratulations to Ray Guy from the 1961 intake who was recently awarded the MBE.

Message from David Robinson - 

Will Barbara Phillips (Webb) who left a comment on the Guestbook on Thursday 9th May 13, please email me at the website as an old friend is trying to contact her.

Email received 8/2/2014 from Martin Whitelegg -

I was at UGS from 1968 through to 1975 I have lost touch with a
lot of people over the years and would love to hear from anyone who
remembers me. - Martin

Email received from Margaret Horton  - 24/01/2014

Message: Hi, I attended UGS from 1969 to 1973. I have a 6th form photo
of 1973 I would be happy to share on the site.My maiden name was
Margaret Attwell and my best friends at school were: Mildred Aspey,
Elizabeth Hardie and Joan Giller.My favourite teachers were German Jones
and Florrie Orrell. I lived on Gathurst Lane, Shevington and enjoyed the
bus journey to school with Jane Clitheroe. I studied french, german and
economics at A Level.

Dave Robinson 11/11/13 - I have received a message from Stuart Mcgrath with the sad news that former UGS pupil Dave Fanning has passed away

Received on 17th August 2013 from Charlie Bamforth -

I am writing an article for Backpass magazine about four goalkeepers, all
with links in the Up Holland, Orrell, Billinge district.

They are Wilf Birkett, John Barton, Dave Gaskell and Harold Lea.
Harold of course used to teach woodwork and help out with sport at UGS. I
interviewed him this morning.

I wonder if by any chance you are aware of any photographs of him from his
time at UGS? I would also love any anecdotes/memories from you or others
who may remember him.

All I know is that the table I made is still in my mother's home!

Anyone with photos or anecdotes please contact the website.

 From David Robinson  23/6/13 -


It's with great sadness I have to inform you that Tommy Derbyshire passed away Sunday 16th June 2013. Tommy was in the 1961 intake at UGS and I'm sure would be known by many ex-pupils who were at school in the early 1960's. Tommy was a great character at school and when I became reacquainted with him in recent years became a close friend. Tommy had a great memory of people from school and could tell you the birthdays of many old schoolfriends. He attended the 2005 and 2010 reunions and helped me with the organising and running of both.

He will be sadly missed.

Messages of condolence for Tommy -

Steve Clarke - That is a tragedy. Tommy was a lovable guy and always up to mischief. He had a great laugh and a good old timers view of the world. He will be mourned by many I'm sure.

Dorothy Webley (Bradley) - I was sorry to get your message about Tommy Derbshire.  I
remember him at the reunions as still a great character.If you are in contact with his family please pass on my sympathy to them.

Phil Rickman - Oh hell. I knew he hadn't been well for quite some time, but that's still a shock. Tommy was that rarity, a hard kid who was also funny.

Les Alker -  I'm so sorry to hear the news about Tommy.

Phil Banks -  I'm sure many of us  will be sad that he is no longer with us. As you are probably aware, Tommy  and I were also at Lamberhead Green infants/junior school together before UGS.

Ray Guy - I have lot of memories about Tommy please convey my condolences to his family.

Christy Taylor (Seddon) - Very sad to hear the news of Tommy.  Please convey sympathy to his family when you speak with them.

Rhona Schofield (Johnston) - Really sorry to hear about Tommy’s passing, thank you for letting us know.  He was one of those characters you never forget – I can still see him on our first day at UGS in the same class as me - 1E with Mrs Ellison.  It was good to meet up and chat with him again at the 2005 reunion.  Please do pass on our sincere condolences to Tommy’s family.

Jean Hughes (Danson) - So sorry to hear the sad news and I have let Irene know (she does not have the Internet now). I am going to phone her tomorrow so no doubt we will do some reminiscing.

Alison Wheeler (Gill)Very sorry to hear this sad news. I remember Tommy at school and as you say he was a great character and I remember his friendliness at the reunions.

Trevor Hughes - Sad news, Of course I remember Tommy tho I haven't seen or heard from him since UGS  - dear God, it seems so long ago (probably because it is so long ago ).

George Bate -  Very sorry to hear about the death of Tommy Derbyshire. I always remember Tommy as being happy and smiling and having the life as a "mod". I also led the life as a mod outside of school with scooters mounted with a multitude of mirrors etc. My condolences to all his family and friends.


Email received 1/6/2013 from David Killinger -


 I would appreciate it if you would pass on/notify any of Bill Harrison's class mates of his recent death.
 After school Bill worked for a bank, owned a fishing tackle business and later went into teaching, in the Wolverhampton area.  All through his life Bill had a passion for fishing.  In fact it was at Writington Fish Ponds that Bill and I first met when he was about 12 years old, even at such a young age he would often out fish the senior anglers at the pond  Throughout his life Bill would always go out of his way to help others and to support his friends in times of need.  He was a real gentleman.
David Killinger

Message received 22/1/13 from Ann Kay

Hi David, sorry to be the bearer of sad news but heard that Susan Bamber passed away yesterday.Thought you might like to know.


Contact form received from Anthony W Birchall
Message: I attended Up Holland Grammar School from 1943 to 1948.  I
emigrated to Australia in 1966.  Retired in 1987

Email received from Helen Houghton 5/10/2012 -

Hi David,
Congratulations on the new web site, great format.
I have been trying to trace Irene Spence who started UGS in 1959, and
discovered recently that she passed away in 2010.  I am
sure that many of your readers will remember her, and thought they would
want to know.
Best Regards to everyone,
Helen (Houghton)

Email received from David Jones, 10/08/2012 -  I went to U.G.S '39 to '44.

Interested to hear from Kenny Benson and Ted Phythian who were colleagues of mine, or indeed anyone in my era. After school I worked in the Home Office Communications
 Directorate in Billinge, then saw service in the Fleet Air Arm. After
 demob. was posted to Worcs. & did a sandwich course in B'ham College of
 Technology becoming a Prof. Engineer. I was seconded to Kenya during Mau
 Mau emergency returning to H.O. after 4 years in Kenya to take up a
 position in Kent. A year later I was seconded to the Tanganyika Police
 as a Supt. of Police and after Independence there, I was invited to join
 the U.K. Diplomatic Service and was based at Bletchley Park for some
 time before serving in Somalia, Yemen and the Middle East before leaving
 to take a staff position in the Physics Dept. of the University of
 Auckland in New Zealand. After 20 years there I retired to Australia. In
 the Physics Dept there was a a colleague of mine Prof B. Earnshaw who
 had roomed with Ted Phythian in Manchester Univ.My Form teachers in
 U.G.S. were for the firstly Miss Grimshaw and then Mr. Smith

Email received from Alan Bolton 

Hi David,

Great new website. All power to your elbow. Some sad news however. Could I ask you to put the attached obituary to Ian Howarth on to the site. Ian was a great friend of mine and we played rugby all through school together from the under 12’s to the 1st XV. He was the left centre and I was the left wing. He will be sadly missed. Thanks.

- Obituary can be downloaded below.

Ian Howarth - Obituary
obituary - I Howarth.jpg
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Message for Marian Pyke (Wilson)

 Marian please contact me. Jennifer has been in touch but I seem to have misplaced your email address

 - David Robinson

Email received 11/2/2012 from Ken Lea - I would like to contact Ulick Maggs, now living in Australia. Ulick was the son of the Headmaster. We were at the school from 1938 to 1944. I seem to remember that he has corresponded on a UGS website but I have lost touch. Have you any information, please? - Ken

Sad Email received 22/11/2011 from Katheen Fowler (Ford) - I have just found your site and wanted to contact you with news of a former pupil.
My name is Kathleen Fowler (Ford) and I have been married to David Fowler (Adams) for nearly 40 years. We were both at UGS from 61-68 and had a great time.
The sad news is that David died last year aged 60 and he is greatly missed by myself his 2 sons and his 3 grandchildren.  - Kathleen


David and Kathleen were good friends of mine at school and I was very shocked and sad to hear of Davids death. I have spoken to several old schoolmates recently and they all had fond memories of David and asked for their love and sympathy to be passed on to Kathleen and her family.     ---    David Robinson


Email received 12/03/2011 from Frances Parkinson - I have just got back from holiday and found a sad e mail waiting for me from Jeffrey Crook's daughter informing me that her father had passed away. Jeff had only just joined the UGS site around September last year. He was taken ill towards the end of January I think. He suffered a brain haemorrhage and was on a life support machine for a while. After an operation to release pressure on his brain, his condition improved, but unfortunately the worst has now  happened.  (He had also recently relocated from France to Cadiz having lived abroad for many years and acquiring French Citizenship. He attended UGS 1958 - 1963.)

Email received 25/10/2011 from Christy Taylor I am now back in Phoenix after a rather short trip to the house in Portugal at the beginning of this month. I also spent time in England, visiting with my daughter Beth who lives in Bramhall and Scotland where my brother retired to a few years ago. During the trip, Joan Smith, Sue Banks and myself arranged to meet up in Chester for a day.  We had a wonderful time starting off with morning coffee at the Grosvenor Hotel then a beautiful Italian restaurant for lunch followed by walks around town and by the river.  The weather was amazing and much catching up on news occurred.  It had been 5 years since the three of met up in Edinburgh in 2006. I think we all looked well for our age, all of us having retired now. Our next get-together is tentatively planned for sometime next summer when I hope that Joan and Sue can travel to Portugal to spend some time at my property there.  I will be spending 4 months in Portugal next year from March through to the end of July.  My husband Rob, who still is working at the University in Phoenix will be visiting a couple of times during that period.

Email received 3/08/2011 from Andrea Gaskell- I was Andrea Haydock - friends with Glenys Hughes, Tina Rogers, Julie Unsworth, Christine Macy, Carol Rimmer; amongst others.  
I left in 1975 to start a brief career in the Civil Service as a Tax Officer, then got married to Dave and had 2 children. 
In 1998 I qualified as a Primary teacher, after being an Adult Ed Lecturer for 16 years.
I now have 3 grandsons and number 4 is on the way in September! 
I remember:  penny socials, Grammar Dances, taking part in a production of Oliver, visiting Kennilworth Castle with French exchange students; visiting Stratford on Avon for a weekend;  getting caught climbing out of C3 classroom window when we got locked in one lunchtime; swimming in the reservoirs; pinching bikes to go to the chippy!!  
Teachers I remember:  Peter O'Leary - English; Mrs Allen; Mrs Moritt (PE); Reg Lathom, Gerry Rickards. 
All in all I quite enjoyed my time there!

Email received 8/02/2011 from Marian Pyke (nee Wilson)  - I am trying to contact Jennifer Gaskell who was at Up Holland Grammar School  between 1961-1968  She used to live in Shevington and her dad was a teacher. We met at the Gidlow Lane Youth Club  in Wigan and were friends until  I moved to London in 1971.  I wonder if this may be Jennifer Kennedy who emailed you in December from Aberystwyth .  If you can get in touch with her for me it would be good.  ( Jennifer or anyone in contact with her please let me know current email address. - David )

Email received 6/01/2011 from John Foster -  I just thought I'd let you know the sad news that Geoff Winnard passed away on New Years Eve after a long battle with illness.  Geoff attended UGS between 1969 and 1976 and will be very well remembered by those who attended the school at that time.  The funeral took place at St Lukes Orrell at 12.00 on Tuesday 11th January 2011 and I'm certain that there were many of his contemporaries present who wished to pay their respects.

Email received 14/12/10 from Jim Barton - Thank you for letting me have a “prompt” that the new MUGS61 website was underway .. good idea to extend it to all.
 Some recent sad news I spotted was that Robin Thornber died on 5 December.
I went to Upholland with Robin and, although we were never close chums, he was very notable for his remarkable intellect even then and was one of the rare breed at the time who was accepted at Oxford.

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© David Robinson