Mugs61 - For all ex-pupils of UpHolland Grammar School and anyone with an interest in UpHolland Grammar School. It covers the history of the school from its humble start in 1661 up to it's transformation into Winstanley College now one of the most highly rated colleges in the country.

<The Original School Building in School Lane UpHolland

Within the site as well as the history of the school you will find a large selection of other information relating to the school. 

Photos from the early 1900's onwards covering all aspects of school life including school photos and sports.

School magazines and Documents relating to school matters.

Also school memories, teachers, reunions and news and emails from old pupils.

Winstanley College.

Contact -

 Mugs61 website


I started the Mugs61 website about 20 yrs ago for ex-pupils from the early sixties and because of it’s popularity extended it to include any ex-pupils who attended UpHolland Grammar school.

It remains the top site if UpHolland Grammar is entered in a search engine and has helped many people to trace old friends or information about relatives that attended UGS or information about the school itself. It still receives hundreds of views weekly.
The website contains loads of information ranging from the history of the school to photos going back as far as the early 1900’s, school magazines and documents. It would be a shame if all this information was not readily available for anyone to access when required.
Anyone interested in helping with the website or if you wish to make a donation towards the cost of keeping it going please contact David Robinson at

The Upholland Grammar School Education Foundation which helps students from families of limited means is in need of funds. If you can help contact the address below or contact the website.

Upholland Grammar School Educational Foundation

The Upholland Grammar School Educational Foundation is a long-established registered charity now based at Winstanley College. Its modest annual income from investments allows some financial help to be provided to students from families of limited means, in
some cases extremely limited. We are able to assist some students with costs of
examination entry, the fees for short courses and residential visits in this country and abroad. We would welcome any donations to the Foundation to allow students to take up opportunities similar to those which you enjoyed during your time at Upholland Grammar School, or perhaps were unable to owing to financial constraints.

If you do wish to make any contribution to the Foundation, please make a cheque payable to the Upholland Grammar School Educational Foundation and send it to:-


The Treasurer,

Grammar School Educational Foundation,

Winstanley College,

Winstanley Road,



WN5 7XF.

Your support would be greatly appreciated.

 Nov 8th 2024 

I have just received the sad news that my old classmate Phil Rickman passed away on the 29th October 2024. After school Phil went into journalism and became a very successful author. His “Merrily Watkins” series of books were very popular and he even had one made into a television drama.
I was fortunate enough to meet up with him again a number of years ago and renew our friendship.

David Robinson 

Message received 4/11/2024 from Helen Baldwin

Some sad news.
I’ve just read on Facebook that Eric Halton passed away on 8th October. His wife passed away 4 days later. Eric attended Upholland Grammar School from 1959.

Message received 23/9/2024 from Tim Woods - 

Sad news received yesterday - Stuart Hitchen, a former Head Boy of UGS has passed away after more than 35years suffering with MS. 



Message received 10/02/2024 from Helen Baldwin. -

 I’m just passing on some sad news I’ve heard today. Vivienne Waite passed away last Friday. She had been in hospital since before Christmas, suffering from cancer. She started at UGS in 1959, same year as I did, and was a good friend at school. There are some photos of her on Mugs61, she was on the school hockey team.
I haven’t been in close touch with her since school, but we corresponded from time to time.

I received sad news this week that Ian Kelly died suddenly last Friday (26th) from a massive heart attack. Ian was from the 1961 intake and one of the Kirkby Crowd who traveled together to UGS. 

19/8/22 -

Sad news received this week that Roberta Berry from the 1961 intake has sadly passed away. Our condolences to her family and friends.


I received the sad news today that my old school mate, from the 1961 intake, George Bate had sadly passed away. we were good mates at school and i was able to meet up with him again at the last reunion in 2014.

Check out the History page -


 Article on UpHolland Grammar School through the ages by Nicola Gray published in Wigan edition of LocalLife magazine in March 2022

If you don’t receive this magazine it can be found online at




Winstanley College have put up a plaque in honour of H.B. Ellis.

see more on Headmasters page - click here

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© David Robinson